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Joy of Co-Creating

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Main » 2012 » August » 21 » Note
12:16 PM


By Ian Lisakov

August, 16, 2012.

There is much similarity between the beginning of symphonic concert and the Beginning of Creation. In the emptiness and silence of the scene, together with musicians appear single sounds. They gradually become denser and turn into initial chaos and cacophony. This chaos, however, potentially contains all the necessary elements for the future harmony and pregnant with something unknown, which, by the way, you might like and you might not.

Gradually increasing, this chaos reaches its maximum flooding the whole scene (and the Whole Creation as well). And at this point emerges a Someone, apparently possessing the ability to organize this chaos, or, at least, to pretend to fulfill this task. He rises his hands, separating himself from this chaos and attracting its attention, and all involved both on the scene and in the concert hall stop for a moment in anticipation and expectation. And then the New Creation begins and starts to unfold.

There could be a Big Bang in the beginning, or a quiet squeak. It might unfold rapidly or slowly and smoothly. The process could evolve harmonically, or there still will be chaotic tones eventually popping. All of this depends on the Original Plan and the performer's Mastery. But the initial chaos of the orchestra already contains all the development of this process and its perfection and imperfection.

And all of us, who are sitting in this concert hall, are coming to participate in this Creation (otherwise, why would we come here?). We're trying to fit it to ourselves. There are many of us here, in this place, and we are apparently and definitely forming some Unity called "The Public". But each one perceives what is going on stage in their own way and ONLY IN THEIR OWN WAY. The Creation rings for each one individually, and everyone participating in it on their own, comparing and correlating the sound playing by orchestra with one's inner tone. " I like it", "I don't like it", "I like it, but somehow not…", "This is rubbish…", "This is perfect harmony…" and the whole spectrum in between depends on congruence of these "outer" and "inner" tones.

The reason of our presence at this Concert has its parallels with our lives as well. First of all, no one pushed us to this space and time by force. All of us, in one way or another, come to this show voluntarily. Some of us moved by curiosity, some succumbed by influence of other people. Some people come because the desire to experience something new or to feel something long familiar again. And some people come with just the professional interest.

Likewise is our behavior as well. Some of us, being unable to find this harmony between the inner and the outer, blaming ourselves for coming and leaving the Hall, loudly and ostentatiously chapping by their chair, or quietly giving up, trying not to disturb anyone. Others using intellect or feelings (depends on personal inclinations) trying to understand what's creating disharmony there. Such people, working with it and, in one way or another, are moving and evolving along with the logic and the dynamic of this Symphony. They could eventually figure out where the reason of this dissonance is and either, finally enjoy the Symphony, or make conscious decision that this particular Symphony is "not for them". However, the work which has been done is never spent in vain. Third ones are chilly noticing the technical details of the performance and its correspondence to the Original Blueprint. And, finally, fourth ones, the happiest ones, are feeling their perfect harmony with what is going on and are simply having fun. So, you can just envy them and, seeing them as an example, continue to search for something as much in harmony with the sounds inside you and what will bring you such light and pure JOY.


© 2012 Ian Lisakov. All rights reserved.

You may make copies of this message and distribute in any media as long as you change nothing, credit the author, and include this copyright notice and web address.


Views: 1488 | Added by: Ian | Rating: 0.0/0
Total comments: 4
4 Lauretta  
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3 Belvia  
Привет . Хорошая работа . Я не сделал ? Т ожидаем, что это в среду . Это большая история . Спасибо ! поисковые программы

2 prodvizhenie-veb-saytov  
Я не знаю, много взрослых, которые были на домашнем обучении , но мне интересно, то, что профессии или карьеры вы в настоящее время , что вы до конца с вашего школьного ? Если вы являетесь родителем совершеннолетнего ребенка вы домашнее образование , каковы ваши дети делают после того как они закончили среднюю школу или университет ? . . Спасибо, отличный вечер ! . Редактировать : Я особенно заинтересован в том, что тип работы домашнее образование взрослых делают , Николь - вы работаете полный рабочий день для себя? Спасибо за ответ .. Hsmomfrm , где вы домашнее образование , когда вы были молоды ? Я прочитал другой вопрос сегодня, когда ты сказал, что окончил государственную школу , но домашнее обучение вашего сына . Я люблю читать много вопросов :-) . hsfromth , где вы домашнее образование , когда вы были молоды ? Я прочитал другой вопрос сегодня, когда ты сказал, что окончил государственную школу , но домашнее обучение вашего сына . Я люблю читать много вопросов :-) . упс - попытался изменить свой орфографические свой ​​псевдоним . лол. Извините! ! ! .

1 prodvizhenie-raskrutka-saytov  
I need to know how to design my bird cage!?

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