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Main » 2012 » August » 26 » Tunnel
8:32 PM
By Ian Lisakov
August 26, 2012

Sometimes, speaking with my Guides I'm asking them very personal questions and there is no possibility to predict the level of answer I will receive. It may be something very personal as well, it may be some picture with meaning yet to be discovered, or it may be something more global somehow connected to my question. This time I received not just an answer for my question, but a very interesting and a more expanded picture which I want to bring here as well.

Imagine a fairy rugged, mountainous terrain, covered with an enormous number of roads. Each or them with their own loops, ascends, descends, detours, bumps and, of course, with a straight and smooth sections as well. Some of them converging and intersecting from time to time, others so far away from each other that their intersection is hard to image at all, even theoretically. And every road belongs to a particular human being going or driving by.

These roads are not so simple. First of all these are one way roads only. Moreover, they resemble transporter's ribbon of moving stairway of subway. Even if you want to go back, against the direction of its movement and you'll try hard in order to do this, you'll find yourself being carried in the "right", forward direction, but in this case – backwards.

There is an incredible amount of very different roads, but there is something common with all of them as well. This is the waymark, which appears recently on each road. This waymark is the "TUNNEL". It is not obviously seen for everyone because of twists and turns of the roads. And those trying to move backwards don't see it at all. But it is definitely there.

All these roads, while remaining separate, somehow interdimensionaly converging towards this tunnel. There is not any possibility to avoid it. All of us, in one way or another, each separately and All At Once would have to pass through it. Some of those who are focused on their movement, or just like to look far ahead, out of curiosity, can see a dark arch of its Entrance with the red digit 12:12, burning up there. It's presumed that tunnel's Exit marks will be green digits 21:12 and, from that point all the roads will start to run in their own direction again. But it is still entirely ahead of us, and yet to be ascertained.

One of the main characteristics of this tunnel, apart from its inevitability, is its darkness. It's unlike the well-equipped, safe and lighted tunnels to which many people are used to. The only means of ensuring security in this tunnel is the inner calmness and focus, and the only light is Ones Own Inner Light. And it scares many people to cramps. Some of them are frightened in such a degree that are ready to do Everything just to avoid this passage, despite that the Only Possibility to avoid this experience is to jump into an even bigger Unknown. And they are jumping indeed, preferring not to go inside in order to nurture their own Light, because this process seems to them even scarier than obscurity and the darkness of the Tunnel. Others realize that they too tired; too exhausted that mere not able or have not time already to develop this Inner Light.  So this jump is the only possibility for them indeed.

But all the rest in some way or another, consciously or unconsciously, with face forward or backwards, are heading to this tunnel. It is close enough already. There is almost no time and freedom to maneuver. It is better to fuss as less as possible and to focus on the main and essential thing which could help us to make this passage relatively easy and safe. And this is an essential thing, our own growth and our Inner Light. We have to find this Light within and clean as much shields screening this Light as we can. The purer will be these screens, the brighter this radiating inside out light will be and the lighted and easier will be transition through this tunnel.

Surely, there is always the possibility to pretend that there is nothing out there and to continue usual daily "vanity and vexation of spirit", or it is possible to move backwards as well. But then there is a danger that the Entrance of Tunnel will catch one off guard and in some rather awkward position – sideways or backwards, sadly staring into the past, to the moving away, relatively light spot of the Entrance. This state is hardly efficient, as well as urgent attempts to turn around in the darkness and to find the way gropingly. If this transition is inevitable it is better to prepare for it in advance.

We will obviously arrive somewhere. I believe that all of this deal is not as bad as we think it will be. I believe that this Arch with 21:12 digits really exists and really marks the Exit of the Tunnel and Entrance into the New Valley. At least, my Guides assure me of that. This is not the first such a passage in our history and not the last one. Our whole life and history is cyclical and "spiral". I also believe that this New Valley will be somehow smoother, friendlier and lighter than our current side. And I Know that even though our paths will diverge there again in all possible directions, None Of Us will remain The Same and this passage. And apparently this is The Purpose of this TUNNEL.

© 2012 Ian Lisakov. All rights reserved.
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